Tune in to HGTV House Hunters on July 23rd to see Anthem Arizona featured as a couple relocates from Maryland to Arizona. Check your local listings for time.
AS OF JULY 1st ANTHEM Arizona has 207 Homes for Sale
based on MLS info on July 1, 2009
106 are Available as Short Sales
Look for an increase in Lender Owned Properties soon....many pending foreclosures are due to go to Trustee Sales the next few months.
Homes sold in Anthem, AZ in June 2009
The Landing in Anthem - 2 Homes Sold at an avg. of $202,750 an avg. of 2,185/sq. ft.
1 Lender Owned Sale 1 Short Sale
For more information regarding home sales in other areas of Phoenix, Arizona
contact Kathleen Mazzocco at info@KathleenInAz.com
or call 623-776-6217