If you are relocating to Arizona Home prices have never been lower,interest rates are at record lows! As an AZ Corporate Relocation Director & Buyer's Agent I will desgin a plan for employees or home buyers to acquire a new home,second home,or investment home for the best possible price & terms for owner occupied,bank owned homes in AZ, or short sale property in AZ FREE Home Search tools to view the newest listings at www.KathleenInAZ.com Begin your plan to move to Arizona today!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Real Estate Housing Market Predictions for 2010
Mortgage Delinquencies, The Shadow Market, Unemployment rates, Success rate of loan modifications, Number of Pending Foreclosures, Guidelines for Mortgage products, Mortgage Interest Rates, and the big one --HOW many people are willing to ride out this wave and not just walk away from their home(s) next year?
Here are my recent concerns:
-November reported the highest number of mortgage delinquencies in history.
-Pending Foreclosures are on the rise.
-Daily increases in Bank Owned inventory has started to hit the market.
-Reports of between 40% - 63.5% is the average negative equity in the Phoenix area.
-High unemployment rates and decreased pay for those that have jobs.
-Number of Individuals that can qualify for a mortgage
My wish this holiday season, is that everyone be blessed with much health and strength so we can work very hard together in preserving Homeownership.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Mortgage Delinquencies hit record high
Another factor to consider; approximately 15 million homeowners are underwater and want to just "walk away" and are doing it. Many are burdened by too much debt, changes in employment, and just don't qualify for a loan modification. The newest plan that just came out is a "Deed in lieu of lease". How does this new plan help preserve homeownership? Read more: http://kathleeninarizona.com/lease-f26628.html
Is it not our goal to help Americans PRESERVE HOMEOWNERSHIP?
Friday, November 6, 2009
New bill to be signed by President Obama to extend first-time homebuyer credit
A new bill is waiting for President Obama's signature to extend the first-time home buyer credit, increase the income limit to $125k for an individual and $225k combined for a married couple. The bill will also add a new credit of $6,500 for existing buyers that have lived in their current home for at least five years.
Read the entire article:
Friday, October 23, 2009
Anthem Country Club Home JUST LISTED $220k
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Kathleen Mazzocco and Anthem, AZ featured on HGTV House Hunters tonight
Kim & John Bojonny relocate from Maryland to Phoenix, AZ. Check your local listings for time.
Read the article published in the Images Magazine about the making of the show:
View show highlights.
Which home do you think the couple from Maryland will choose?
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Which Cities in Phoenix, AZ are most affordable?
The Cromford Report ranks cities in the Phoenix, AZ area by annual average price per square foot and also details the change in appreciation/depreciation for each city for the last year.
click this link to view report: http://kathleeninarizona.com/archive_details.php?arch=716
Friday, October 16, 2009
Scottsdale Luxury Lender Owned Home Coming on the Market Soon

Call Kathleen to preview this home today 623.776.6217. Best value in the Peakview Trails subdivision.
For more information and photos go to:
Thursday, October 15, 2009
High End Homes for Sale - 40 month supply!
Jumbo loans are pricier and more difficult to get, job losses are mounting, and buyers in that price home are generally move-up buyers, so they have to sell their own homes first. Mr. Yun, expects to see more foreclosures of high-end properties.
Read Diane Olick's blog she is a CNBC Real Estate reporter
Scottsdale DC Ranch Developer relinquishes Club
Membership initiation fee has been reduced from $135,000 to $75,000.
READ this article:
Tuition Tax Credits provide savings to local taxpayers but drain state money
Read this entire article posted in the Arizona Republic on October 14, 2009.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Phoenix , AZ Another post-holiday foreclsoure surge predicted - due to income loss not because of home value loss
"It has nothing to do with the value of the home," said Mike Wasmann, president of the Arizona Association of Realtors. "It has to do with people not having any money".
Areas like Scottsdale, AZ which have been relatively stable the last two years may see an increase in foreclosures as the high-end homes will be included in the foreclosures in early 2010. The upper middle class and wealthy households whose primary source of wealth was real estate, are struggling financially now. Those who have had financial setbacks and lost their financial cushion will try to make it through the holidays before ceasing payment (as evidence seen in the record February surge in foreclosures).
Read this article published in the Arizona Republic for more details:
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Anthem, AZ Home Sales for September 2009

112 Homes & Condos SOLD in September 2009
45% of Sales were Bank Owned Homes compared to 73% in January '09
Inventory Continues to be low
208 Homes & Condos For Sale as of Oct. 1,2009
If you are thinking of Selling your home in Anthem, now is the time. Low Inventory, large number of Buyers. Many homes are having mulitple offers causing some bidding wars. Most of the bank owned properties are listed low to sell fast, but close for more than list price. Contact me for more details.
VIEW highlights of Anthem Arizona at http://www.anthemazcommunity.com/
Anthem Country Club
31 Homes Sold 41% were bank owned
$130.20/per sq. ft. avg. Homeowner Sales
Anthem Parkside East
51 Homes Sold 45% were bank owned
$ 96.43/per sq. ft. avg. Homeowner Sales
Anthem Parkside West
24 Homes Sold 58% were bank owned
$ 85.00/per sq. ft. avg. Homeowner Sales
1 Home Sold
$99.70/per sq. ft. avg. Short Sale only
3 Townhomes Sold
$ 80.06/per sq. ft. avg.
2 Condos Sold
$ 68.71/per sq. ft. avg. Short Sales only
NO change to Anti-Deficiency Statue but taxes increase
Governor signs bill that repeals change to anti-deficiency statute Governor Jan Brewer signed HB 2008, which repeals SB 1271 and its change to the anti-deficiency statute. AAR would like to thank our members for their quick response and action on this matter. AAR's success is due, in part, to members like you who help engage on issues down at the Capitol. AAR will continue to work with legislators and industry stakeholders to protect homeowner rights at the Capitol. Other budget news... The governor vetoed SB 1025, general revenue bill, which included the repeal of the state equalization tax credit. Maricopa County will begin printing property tax bills reflecting the increase come early next week. Governor Brewer also line item vetoed cuts in K-12 education, restoring funding. She stated in her press conference, however, that more cuts are likely or additional revenue will be needed. She believes the overall budget plan should avoid the need for state borrowing at least until early spring. There was no immediate call for an additional special session, but one is likely in the coming month.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Steps to getting a home loan modified with Bank of America
First Step -
Call the appropriate toll-free customer service number:
o For servicing issue on a Bank of America Mortgage (800.285.6000) or Home Equity account (800.621.1044), or a Countrywide Home Loan (800.669.6607)
o If customer is experiencing financial difficulties on a Bank of America Mortgage (800.846.2222) , HELOC (800.451.6362) or Home Equity Loan (866.709.1116), or on a Countrywide Home Loan (800.669.6607)
o Customer needs information on the Making Home Affordable program (800.593.7798) - Refinance program
2nd Step -
If you are unsuccessful in getting assistance using the toll free numbers, You can call the First Level Escalation team!
o Bank of America mortgage (800.846.2222 – escalate to supervisory level)Please note that this number is the same as the toll-free number listed in step one above for “customer experiencing financial difficulties on a Bank of America mortgage.” However, the customer should be coached on the escalation steps:
§ Dial toll-free number
§ Mention to the associate answering the telephone that this is a repeat telephone call about an issue that remains unresolved
§ Request to speak with the supervisor of the associate answering the telephone
§ Inform supervisor of current status of unresolved problem
o Home Equity account (877.776.5842, ext. 1512275)
o Countrywide Home Loan (800-669-6093)
Please share your story with other homeowners if you are successful in getting your loan modified!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Short Sale - Do you qualify?
What is an acceptable hardship?
"A material change in the financial situation of a homeowner that is or will affect their ability to pay their mortgage"
Some examples of a financial hardship are:
*Loss of Job *Business Failure *Death of a Spouse or family members
*Severe Illness *Mandatory job relocation *Medical Bills
*Military Service *Mortgage payment increase *Reduced Income
*Too much debt *Incarceration *Divorce
It is estimated that most American Families can only maintain their current living expenses for 60 days or less when income is interrupted.
As a Certified Distressed Property Expert, I always recommend that a homeowner consult an attorney and discuss their 'entire financial picture' and be advised as to what is the best solution to their current financial hardship before moving forward with a short sale or just letting their property go into foreclosure. This is an hour well worth spending the time and money for.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Visit my website to view Upcoming Bank Owned Homes
Changes to my website will begin soon. You will be able to view homes that are bank owned on my website before they are listed. I would be happy to show you any of these homes.
I look forward to working with the best team in the business for bank owned and pre-foreclosure properties located in Anthem, Scottsdale, Cave Creek, Desert Hills, and throughout the Phoenix, AZ area.
Stay tuned for upcoming changes to my website!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Making Home Affordable program -details about loan modifications
Key questions about the government's mortgage-assistance program:
Q: Who is eligible for the refinancing help?
A: The refinancing option is available only for certain loans owned or securitized by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Homeowners should be able to contact their lender to see if they're eligible. Borrowers who are delinquent on their mortgage will not qualify.
Q: Who is eligible for a modification?
A: The property must be owner-occupied, and the owner must have sufficient income to support the new mortgage debt. The first mortgage may not exceed 105% of the current market value of the property. For example, if your property is worth $200,000, you must owe $210,000 or less.
The unpaid principal balance must be equal to or less than $729,750 for one-unit properties. The loan must have originated before Jan. 1, 2009. A borrower must have a payment (including taxes, insurance and homeowners association dues) that is more than 31% of the borrower's gross monthly income.In addition, the owner must have had a significant change in income or expenses, to the point they can't afford the current
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
This will have an impact for homeowners that have not occupied their property in foreclosure for up to six consecutive months.
(view link below to read Senate Bill 1271, this is from section "G")
"utilized for either a single one-family or a single two-family dwelling BY THE TRUSTOR UNDER THE DEED OF TRUST FOR AT LEAST SIX CONSECUTIVE MONTHS AND FOR WHICH A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN ISSUED is sold pursuant to the trustee's power of sale, no action may be maintained to
recover any difference between the amount obtained by sale and the amount of the indebtedness and any interest, costs and expenses. THE TRUSTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMONSTRATING THAT THE TRUST PROPERTY WAS USED BY THE TRUSTOR AS A ONE-FAMILY OR A SINGLE TWO-FAMILY DWELLING FOR AT LEAST SIX CONSECUTIVE MONTHS".
This is a great article to read which explains the current statutes.
Update on Court Decisions and the Anti-Deficiency Statutes
Posted on 01 February 2009
Tags: anti-deficiency, Combs Law Group, Court Decisions, Legal, statutes
By Christopher A. Combs and Adam D. Martinez
Arizona and a small minority of other states have adopted anti-deficiency statutes to prohibit a
homeowner's personal liability after losing a home to foreclosure. In the past two years in Arizona there has been both a rapid increase in homeowners who are delinquent on their home loans and a rapid decline in home values. Therefore, the scope of the protection of the anti-deficiency statutes is now of heightened interest to both homeowners and lenders.
Frequent questions are: Can the lender waive the right to foreclose on a home and bring a collection action on the promissory note? Do investors and developers have the protection of the anti-deficiency statutes after foreclosure on a home? Do the anti-deficiency statutes apply to the refinancing by the homeowner of the original purchase money loan, even if a portion of the loan refinancing exceeds the original purchase money loan? This article will attempt to answer those questions.
To Read the rest of this article goto: (you may need to copy and paste this link to your internet browser)
The business section of the Arizona Republic published this article on July 29th:
This link is to SENATE BILL 1271 http://www.azleg.gov/legtext/49leg/1r/bills/sb1271s.pdf
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Anthem Arizona Home Sales in June 2009

Tune in to HGTV House Hunters on July 23rd to see Anthem Arizona featured as a couple relocates from Maryland to Arizona. Check your local listings for time.
AS OF JULY 1st ANTHEM Arizona has 207 Homes for Sale
based on MLS info on July 1, 2009
106 are Available as Short Sales
Look for an increase in Lender Owned Properties soon....many pending foreclosures are due to go to Trustee Sales the next few months.
Homes sold in Anthem, AZ in June 2009
The Landing in Anthem - 2 Homes Sold at an avg. of $202,750 an avg. of 2,185/sq. ft.
1 Lender Owned Sale 1 Short Sale
For more information regarding home sales in other areas of Phoenix, Arizona
contact Kathleen Mazzocco at info@KathleenInAz.com
or call 623-776-6217
Thursday, June 18, 2009
View Obama's Blueprint to Overhaul Financial Regulation
A proposed new consumer protection agency and powers to overhaul the mortgage lending practices will ensure that consumers can afford their mortgages.
A draft of Obama's blueprint of regulatory changes can be viewed here:
Loan modification article in Wall Street Journal
I think all of us can say we know at least one person who is trying to accomplish a loan modification with their lender. About 4 million people were late in paying their mortgage payments in the first quarter of 2009. As of the end of April only 518,155 home loans have been modified.
The process is slowed by the amount of paperwork involved and low numbers in staffing. It is not an easy process, but if it can help keep homeowners from loosing their homes it is well worth it in the end. Here is the link to the article in the Wall Street Journal that shares some stories of homeowners in the process or have had a loan modified.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Anthem Arizona Home Sales for May 2009
Anthem Arizona has approximately 236 homes for sale
based on data from the MLS 6/1/2009
104 Homes and Condos sold in Anthem in May 2009
22 Homes Sold
Avg. Sale $305,855 Avg. Size 2,862 sq. ft. 123 Avg. days to Sell
13 Lender Sales avg. $ 97.89/sq. ft.
3 Short Sales avg. $125.83/sq. ft.
6 Owner/Investor Sales avg. $119.16/sq. ft.
Anthem Parkside East
66 Homes Sold
Avg. Sale $181,482 Avg. Size 2,275 sq. ft. 98 Avg. days to Sell
43 Lender Sales avg. $77.85/sq. ft.
17 Short Sales avg. $83.00/sq. ft.
6 Owner/Investor Sales avg. $98.31/sq. ft.
Anthem Parkside West
9 Homes Sold
Avg. Sale $195,889 Avg. Size 2,884 sq. ft. 90 Avg. days to Sell
7 Lender Sales avg. $ 66.15/sq. ft.
2 Short Sales avg. $ 76.74/sq. ft.
0 Owner/Investor Sales
Paseo Townhomes
2 Sold
Avg. Sale $111,812 Avg. Size 1,499 sq. ft. 50 Avg. days to Sell
2 Lender Sale avg. $74.81/sq. ft.
The Villages Condos
5 Sold
Avg. Sale $94,880 Avg. Size 1,297 sq. ft. 128 Avg. days to Sell
4 Lender Sales avg. $74.00/sq. ft.
0 Short Sales avg. $00.00/sq. ft.
1 Owner/Investor Sales avg. $70.60/sq. ft.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Anthem Arizona Home Sales for April 2009

Anthem Arizona has approximately 221 homes for sale as of today
based on data from the MLS 5/4/09
99 Homes and Condos Sold
24 Homes Sold
Avg. Sale $300,849 Avg. Size 2,814 sq. ft. 97 Avg. days to Sell
16 Lender Sales avg. $100.16/sq. ft.
2 Short Sales avg. $103.09/sq. ft.
6 Owner/Investor Sales avg. $121.17/sq. ft.
Anthem Parkside East 89 Homes for Sale
48 Homes Sold
Avg. Sale $179,208 Avg. Size 2,217 sq. ft. 97 Avg. days to Sell
32 Lender Sales avg. $81.20/sq. ft.
9 Short Sales avg. $78.79/sq. ft.
7 Owner/Investor Sales avg. $92.93/sq. ft.
Anthem Parkside West 41 Homes for Sale
16 Homes Sold
Avg. Sale $188,912 Avg. Size 2,516 sq. ft. 158 Avg. days to Sell
9 Lender Sales avg. $ 74.64/sq. ft.
6 Short Sales avg. $ 76.53/sq. ft.
1 Owner/Investor Sales avg. $ 97.07sq. ft.
Paseo Townhomes 6 For Sale
2 Sold
Avg. Sale $124,500 Avg. Size 1,499 sq. ft. 38 Avg. days to Sell
2 Lender Sale avg. $83.02/sq. ft.
The Villages Condos 5 For Sale
6 Sold
Avg. Sale $92,600 Avg. Size 1,264 sq. ft. 103 Avg. days to Sell
3 Lender Sales avg. $71.57/sq. ft.
1 Short Sales avg. $67.92/sq. ft.
2 Owner/Investor Sales avg. $78.50/sq. ft.

*VA Financing - 100%
*Ask about Seller Contributions for closing costs
Friday, April 3, 2009
Anthem Arizona Home Sales Stats for March 2009

based on data from the MLS 4/2/09
- Avg. Sale $333,012
- Avg. Size 2,958 sq. ft.
- 108 Avg. days to Sell
- Avg. Sale $195,533
- Size 2,486 sq. ft.
- 113 Avg. days to Sell
- Avg. Sale $175,616
- Avg. Size 2,229 sq. ft.
- 52 Avg. days to Sell
- Avg. Sale $143,500
- Avg. Size 1,772 sq. ft.
- 171 Avg. days to Sell
- Avg. Sale $93,171
- Avg. Size 1,327 sq. ft.
- 39 Avg. days to Sell
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Anthem Arizona PARKSIDE Homes Sales for February 2009
The average sales price for a home in Anthem, AZ is $206,041
The average size home is 2,494/sq.ft
Anthem Arizona PARKSIDE EAST - 27 Homes Sold in February 2009
Avg. Sale $206,041 $83.91/per. sq. ft. 117/avg. days on market
(21) Lender Owned Sales
Avg. Sale $190,986 $84.29/per. sq. ft. 104/avg. days on market
(4) Short Sales
Avg. Sale $276,100 $89.67/per sq. ft. 184/avg. days on market
(2) Owner Owned Sales
Avg. Sale $224,000 $68.39/per sq. ft. 124/avg. days on market
Anthem Arizona PARKSIDE WEST - 11 Homes Sold in February 2009
Avg. Sale $224,726 $73.75/per sq. ft. 58/avg. days on market
(10) Lender Owned Sales
Avg. Sale $224,999 $73.96/per sq. ft. 49/avg. days on market
(1) Short Sale
Avg. Sale $222,000 $71.66/per sq. ft. 147/avg. days on market
Anthem Arizona PASEO 2 Townhouses Sold in February 2009
(2) Lender Owned Sales
Avg. Sale $126,950 $86.42/per sq. ft. 87/avg. days on market
Anthem Arizona THE VILLAGES 5 Condos Sold in February 2009
(5) Lender Owned Sales
Avg. Sale $97,000 $73.01/per sq. ft. 100/avg. days on market
Anthem Arizona THE LANDING Home Sales for February 2009
The Landing in Anthem 2 Homes Sold in February 2009
Avg. Sale $258,750 $127.45/per sq. ft. 22/avg. days on market
(1) Lender Owned Sale
Avg. Sale $257,500 $112.20/per sq. ft. 6/avg. days on market
(1) Owner Owned Sale
Avg. Sale $260,000 $142.70/per sq. ft. 38/avg. days on market
Anthem Arizona THE ANTHEM COUNTRY CLUB Home Sales for February 2009
Mortgage rates are at an all time low.
The average sales price is $299,475.
The average size home is 2,568/sq.ft for an average
Anthem Country Club - 16 Homes Sold in February 2009
Avg. Sale $299,475 $113.71/per sq. ft. 161/avg. days on market
(7) Lender Owned Sales
Avg. Sale $284,214 $107.25/per sq. ft. 125/avg. days on market
(5) Owner Owned Sales
Avg. Sale $324,000 $124.03/per sq. ft. 95/avg. days on market
(4) Short Sales
Avg. Sale $295,525 $112.11/per sq. ft. 309/avg. days on market
Thursday, January 15, 2009
36 homes were lender owned, 8 homes were short sales, and 5 were investor/owner
Anthem Parkside 31 homes sold at an average of $88.25/sq. ft.
Anthem Country Club 17 homes sold at an average of $113.04/sq. ft
The Landing in Anthem only 1 home sold for an average of $87.58/sq. ft. (lender owned)
The lender owned homes averaged $90.65/sq. ft averaged 74 days to sell.
The short sales averaged $113.34/sq. ft averaged 173 days to sell
The investor/owner sales averaged $114.97/sq. ft averaged 140 days to sell.
Blog Archive
- Anthem Country Club Home JUST LISTED $220k
- Kathleen Mazzocco and Anthem, AZ featured on HGTV ...
- Which Cities in Phoenix, AZ are most affordable?
- Scottsdale Luxury Lender Owned Home Coming on the ...
- High End Homes for Sale - 40 month supply!
- Scottsdale DC Ranch Developer relinquishes Club
- Tuition Tax Credits provide savings to local taxpa...
- Phoenix , AZ Another post-holiday foreclsoure surg...
- Anthem, AZ Home Sales for September 2009
- NO change to Anti-Deficiency Statue but taxes incr...
About Kathleen Mazzocco

- Kathleen Mazzocco, Realtor in Anthem, AZ Relocation to Scottsdale, AZ
- Scottsdale, AZ, United States
- Kathleen has worked with a variety of clients and employees from across and outside of the country, and this has given her a firm grasp of all the details that need to be considered when buying a home in Scottsdale, Anthem, or other areas of Phoenix, Arizona. Kathleen is a AZ Corporate Relocation Professional, and Buyer's Agent. She doesn't just help you find the home you want, she also insures that you're settling in well and that you have all the information you need in order to enjoy the highest-quality lifestyle Arizona has to offer. Begin your plan moving to Arizona with Kathleen today. It's a buyer's market right now, so there are great opportunities for you to land the home of your dreams for much less than you ever imagined possible. Acquiring property foreclosures, short sales, and bank owned homes are ways you can save in today's market. As Certified Distressed Professional she can negotiate the best possible price and terms for you. Please browse through Kathleen's website and let Kathleen Mazzocco help you come home to Arizona,search the newest home listings at www.KathleenInAZ.com.